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Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

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